Xenoblade Chronicles X Soundtrack Download

The Xeno series has always had some of the best music in the industry, at least imo, and the Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy is no exception to. A spiritual successor, Xenoblade Chronicles X, was released for Wii U in December of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was released for Switch. With the Xenoblade Chronicles X OST being my only notable exposure to his work, my impression of Hiroyuki Sawano is that he's a madman. It's one thing to make four discs of great music, but it's another thing entirely to ignore traditional expectations of structure, instrumentation, and genres. Xenoblade chronicles soundtrack is probably my favorite game sound track of all time. With several emotional, intense, beautiful or epic tracks. Great music, from a great game. I highly recommend both. A spiritual successor, Xenoblade Chronicles X, was released for Wii U in December of 2015. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was released for Switch on December 1st 2017. Is there a place i can download the full OST of the game? Using something like youtube-dl to download from Youtube probably has the same legality issues and is.

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Uploaded on Nov 6, 2017

A Xenoblae Chronicles X Medley for piano. Contains: ThemeX, Oblivia, Primordia, Sylvalum
I wrote this medley for a good friend of mine who loves that game. It took me a long time and looks really messy but I hope you guyz will enjoy it :D

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Posted by3 years ago

A (very big) guide to the Xenoblade Chronicles X soundtrack (including unofficially 'localised' track titles and custom album art)

Okay, so I mentioned that I've 'localised' the X soundtrack titles, and a few people expressed interest in them, so, at long last, I've finally put them together here, along with some a bloody tonne of notes about the soundtrack!
This should be spoiler free, please tell me if it isn't. I've been vague about the usage of some tracks (look them up on the wiki if you're confused) and I have used spoiler tags on race names. You could substitute those for something generic like 'Enemy' if you want to use these titles for your soundtrack but don't want to be spoiled.
Oh, and I don't actually know any Japanese, I'm just using Google Translate plus a couple of other sources and guessing what the track is supposed to be.

All the tracks are composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, so I haven't bothered putting a column for that. I'd put him as the album artist and the artist for all tracks except songs (where I've put the vocalist as the artist).

Wait! I almost forgot! Here's some album art I made to match the soundtrack! The first one (the Skell) is for Suite X, the second (Elma) is for other tracks, and the third (Lin) is for the fourteen songs with vocals.

Xenoblade Chronicles X Soundtrack Download

Main Themes

Xenoblade chronicles x song download
TrackOriginal title'Localised' titleVocalsNotes
1CODENAMEZCodename ZPart of 0rCH-SUITE 'X', which is made up of eleven awesome tracks. Let's call it Suite X. Okay, so the tracks use letters to denote their theme. Z is the theme here, which crops up in a couple of other places, which also use Z! It's an event theme, and first plays when [something] happens involving the Ganglion in NLA. I think this would be the equivalent of An Obstacle In Our Path.
2THEMEXTheme XAlso Suite X. This is the main theme, denoted by X! It all makes some sort of sense, doesn't it? It plays when you enter NLA for the first time.
3NO.EX01EX01Mika KobayashiSuite X. My personal favourite. This is a boss theme, as you can guess from the epic action feeling to its second half. It plays against... let's say 'mounted' enemies. It's a shame this isn't the Tyrant battle theme, although maybe Uncontrollable (which is) should have been more like this. I take it back, I like Uncontrollable now. The lyrics for this are currently unknown and are very difficult to make out; I'm pretty sure they're not English but I'm not sure they're Japanese either. This leaves German, but I can't make out any German words! It probably is German, though; it sounds like it.
4D91MRequiemSuite X. I assume it's an event theme; if anybody knows more, I'll edit it in. Yup, it's an event theme for sad events, as I thought. Essentially this game's Engage the Enemy or 'Don't speak her name!' from Fire Emblem: Awakening. (Thanks, /u/KanibalFrost) Oh, and I forgot to say, this track also uses part of EX01's theme, which also appears in a bunch of other places. I'd give it a letter but it seems more like an general recurring theme.
5KAKU-WEST*→▲★★KAIAwakening/CollapseSuite X. According to here, the Japanese is 'Kakusei Houkai', which could mean 'Awakening Collapse'. '→' seems to be used to denote a two-part track's titles, as in the track starts with the first name and goes on to the second name. 'Awakening' is the first chapter's title, so I'm guessing it's from there, and 'Collapse' is from the opening cutscene where Earth is attacked.
6LPLPSuite X. Probably an event theme. Nobody really seems to know what this is and apparently it never plays in the game, which seems very odd since it has two four remixes. But then, this is a very odd soundtrack. Update: It's possible that this may be an event theme. (Thanks, /u/BeeZeroOne)
7G-LOW-S→F.S.K.OGrowthSuite X. Event theme associated with the Ganglion. Alternate title would be 'Growth/FSKO'; if anyone knows if 'FSKO' means anything, please say.
8UN↑口and巨DIEEndless RoadsSuite X. This is 'Michi Kyodai' (thank goodness for those translations, I'd be hopeless with my guesses from what is apparently mixed and phonetic Japanese), which is apparently a 'huge road'. Another event theme which plays in Chapter 2 and possibly other places too.
9MONOXMono XSuite X. This is the menu theme, and is the second time we've seen the X theme. It's possible that 'mono' is supposed to be 'menu', but I quite like 'Mono X' because it sounds like 'Monolith's X' as we originally knew the game by.
10CR17S19S8CrisisSuite X. First part is an event theme, second is a boss battle theme. Does 17198 mean anything? I'll put the numbers here just in case. (Note that Xenoblade also has a track called 'Crisis'. If you want, leave the numbers on the end to differentiate them.)
11RE:ARR.XRearr. XSuite X's finale. Remixes So Close, So Far and the X theme. It's played in the ending.
12Your VoiceYour VoiceMika Kobayashi (lyrics by mpi)The first of the songs with actual lyrics (and probably the best). It's the credits theme. Oh, and its vocals are in English and for once actually make some sort of sense. I'd listen to this on the radio!
13Wir fliegenWir FliegenCyua (lyrics by Rie)The second song. This one's in German and is particularly cheesy. Its name means 'We Fly' (a language I do know!), but that doesn't sound very good so I kept the German name. It's the Overdrive theme. Update: this is a remix of LP. (thanks, /u/BeeZeroOne)
14So Nah, So FernSo Close, So FarMika Kobayashi (lyrics by Rie)The third song. Also in German, but it's better than Wir Fliegen. Its name is the opposite of that since it sounds terrible in German and cool in English, which is why I went with that. It's an event theme associated with Lao.
15NEMOUSU秘OUSMysteriesYumiko InoueThe name of this track pretty much sums it up. The first half is associated with Elma, such as when you first meet her. The second half is played during deep conversations. The Japanese is apparently 'Shinpiteki', which means 'mysterious'. My own efforts in decoding the title had me originally call this 'Awakening Secrets', which works decently too.
Disc 2

General Backing

TrackOriginal title'Localised' titleVocalsNotes
1Black TarBlack Tarmpi and David WhitakerThe fourth song. The standard battle theme, of course. The first half is for ground combat, the second is for Skells. I haven't included titles for the B-sides (since it all got way too confusing to name them all), but I'm quite fond of calling the second part 'Black Smoke' (geddit? it's airborne!).
2z5m20i12r04a28Z5 MiraAs far as I know, these 'Z' tracks have nothing to do with Codename Z. The leftover numbers in their titles form dates; in this case 2012-04-28. No idea if these are significant or random, but I'll note them here anyway. This is that cool track you hear at the start when Elma shows you how crazy Mira is.
3z10b2r0i1e2f0i9n1g3Z10 BriefingThis one leaves 2012-09-13. Funnily enough, this plays when you're briefed about a story mission, and it also plays during character customisation.
4UncontrollableUncontrollableMika Kobayashi and mpi (lyrics by mpi)The fifth song. Tyrant/unique enemy/boss battle theme. Personally, I don't think this is as good as EX01 and nowhere near as good as You Will Know Our Names, but it's growing on me.
5z15f20i12e09l14dZ15 FieldThis leaves 2012-09-14. Could they be recording dates? The first half is an event theme (which according to /u/MaximumLeech is associated with Celica); the second is heard in part of Noctilum.
6z39b20co13mi01cal09Z39 Comical B2013-01-09. If you didn't guess what this is from the title, listen to it. That's right, it's the Nopon theme. Well, the second half is for your initial tour of NLA, but the first half is a nice side dish to Tatsu. Oh, and this one has B in its Z number. The two other tracks that do that are remixes, but I have absolutely no idea what this is supposed to be a remix of.
7By My SideBy My SideAimee Blackschleger (lyrics by mpi)The sixth song. It's used in some side quest custscenes.
8z?2f0i1e2l0d914Z14 Underground L2012-09-14. It's the cave theme. I'll explain the L on the third disc. Oh, and the Z number here can either be 'Z?' or 'Z14' (Z14 fills a gap between Z12 and Z13, the 'Event' tracks, and Z15, the other 'Field' track).
9z37b20a13t01t08leZ37 Battle2013-01-08. The first part plays when you're detected by an enemy. The second part is used in a couple of places, such as when you fight the Grexes before entering NLA for the first time.
10z30huri2ba0tt12le1110Z30 Free Battle2012-11-10. I give up naming this one someone help
11z12e201v2e091n4tZ12 Event2012-09-14. No info about this either, but I have just an inkling that it might be an event theme. Whatta you think?
12z29ba2t0t1l301e17Z29 Battle2013-01-17. At least the track titles give a hint instead of these just being tracks that nobody knows what they're for.
13z16b2gu012ro09u1su4Z16 Ganglion B2012-09-14. I get the feeling this might be associated with the Ganglion. It's a remix of Growth (hence B).
14z13e20v12e09n14tZ13 Event2012-09-14. It's official. I've run out of things to say. Wait - I've got it! A lot of these tracks seem to have been recorded on 2012-09-14. Or if that's not what the dates are, it must have been a pretty big day.
15z7b2012lp0427arrZ7 LP B2012-04-27. A remix of LP. Still no idea where this plays.
16In the ForestIn the Forest ZmpiThe seventh song. It's a remix of Codename Z, but with vocals! See In the Forest XZ for what this track is.
17z23s20a12m0a9-1r4uZ23 Samaar2012-09-14. I Googled the date and this comic was released that day. I'm guessing this is an event theme associated with the Samaar.
18The WayThe WaySayulee (lyrics by mpi)The eighth song. This is a remix of Theme X, and is probably the best song as a song (Your Voice is better in the context of the soundtrack). I reckon this should be the single if they release one. It plays during cutscenes.

Location themes

TrackOriginal title'Localised' titleVocalsNotes
1The Key We've LostThe Key We've LostMika Kobayashi (lyrics by mpi)The ninth song, although there's about as much vocals as EX01. The first half is heard during the final battle. The second half is played during battles against xenoforms.
2N周L辺ARural LPrimordia's theme (the first part is day, the second is night). The original title roughly means 'NLA's surroundings', if you're confused as to why it doesn't seem right. I've used 'L' to refer to overworld tracks, like Underground L earlier. In my mind, it stands for 'Land', but it could also be 'Location', the character or whatever you want.
3N木ig木ht木LNight LNoctilum's theme, and where I got the 'L' from. '木' is a tree. It seems that the original title used those characters as decoration.
4N市L街ANLA LThe infamous theme for New Los Angeles. '市街' just means 'city'. Uh, yeah. That's about it.
5亡KEI却KOKU心Ominous L'Boukyaku keikoku', or something like 'oblivion warning'. I'd say 'ominous' is close enough and also pretty suitable for Oblivia's theme.
6MelancholiaMelancholiaAimee Blackschleger and David Whitaker (lyrics by mpi and David Whitaker)The tenth song. It plays on the inital screen where you pick which squad you want to join. I don't know why. It does play on some sidequest cutscenes, though. Oh, and this wasn't even composed for the game. This is from one of Sawano's earlier albums. Ever get the feeling that X's soundtrack is really just a collection of tracks cut from other places and applied where deemed suitable?
7fiKAIeldJOUOcean LBack to overworld themes. This plays on little Miran islands outside of the five continents. 'Kaijou' means 'venue' or 'meeting place'. I have no idea what it has to do with anything.
8aBOreSSsAres BossBoss battle theme for... spoilers! You might not want to look at this one even if you've don't mind knowing the race names. This also remixes Requiem (and more than just the EX01 repeated theme)! (Thanks, /u/KanibalFrost)
9MNN+@0・Ship LPlays on the Ma-non Ship and is also an event theme associated with the Ma-non in general. That original title is essentially the reason for this thread's existence.
10In the Forest<X→Z ver.>In the Forest XZmpiThe eleventh song. Remember In the Forest and how it was Codename Z with vocals? Yeah? Well, this gives vocals to not just Codename Z but also Theme X! And mashes those two up! Awesome! Apparently this one actually is the Global Nemesis battle theme, or at least Yggralith Zero's. It's unclear whether the other two versions are played anywhere or are intended to be played anywhere.
1146-:ri9Forest LSylvalum's theme. That title is apparently supposed to be 'shiro no tairiku', or 'white continent'. I disregarded this and chose my own title. Did you know that 'silva' is Latin for 'forest'? See, it all makes sense.
1296-:ripFire LCauldros' theme. '96-:rip' is what Sawano will have on his gravestone. Um, apparently that's actually 'kuro no tairiku' or 'black continent', which makes sense in contrast to Forest L. Too bad. L time.
13raTEoREkiSImeAraTelethiaIt's spoiler town! Don't figure out what the original title says and then translate. This track is an event/battle theme associated with the Telethia. You'll notice that the original title doesn't just say 'Telethia', though. The other letters mean 'Lao chimera', but this track has absolutely nothing to do with that. Someone must have mixed this up with The Key We've Lost or Ares Boss.
14Don't WorryDon't WorryAimee Blackschleger (lyrics by mpi (still))The twelfth song. Don't worry, there's still one more disc to go. This plays when you take flight in a Skell! …even though Wir Fliegen would seem more appropriate. Ah well.
Disc 4

Bonus tracks

TrackOriginal title'Localised' titleVocalsNotes
1PianoX1Requiem PWelcome to the bonus disc, which starts off with three piano versions of other tracks, hence 'P'. This one's a nice version of Requiem, and does actually play in the game as an event theme to do with Lao. AFAIK, none of the other tracks on this disc do (apart from Barracks L).
2PianoX2LP P/u/MaximumLeech says that this is Wir Fliegen. /u/MaximumLeech is wrong. This is clearly LP, and now I don't know whether to trust their judgement on the next track because it's all I've got to go on. No idea where or if this plays. It also has a weird name. Sorry. At least it's not 'Z30 LP XZLPB'. Update: /u/shamansanchez reckons that this track does have some Wir Fliegen in it, or maybe Wir Fliegen itself references LP (or maybe the other way around, seeing as LP is a ghost track like Hope). I still maintain that this track is a remix of LP, but feel free to call this 'Wir Fliegen/LP P' or something. Update 2: /u/BeeZeroOne has confirmed that LP and Wir Fliegen are the same, so I'll consider them all remixes of LP since that comes first (even though that technically makes So Close, So Far a remix of Rearr. X).
3PianoX3Forest LPAccording to /u/MaximumLeech, this is based on Sylvalum's theme. I haven't heard either track enough to confirm this, but I kinda hope it isn't so I can get rid of that awful and confusing title. Which is silly, because it's entirely self-fabricated. In short, this track doesn't actually have anything to do with LP. It's just the piano version of Forest L.
4X-BT1Barracks LNow we have four 'bonus' tracks. If anyone knows why the theme for the BLADE Barracks is considered a bonus track, please say. I'm in half a mind to give it a Z number and shove it up to Disc 2 with the cave theme, or just put it with NLA L on Disc 3.
5X-BT2Wir Fliegen (instrumental)That's right. BRACKETS. Not a letter. Brackets. But yeah, this is an instrumental version of Wir Fliegen. I don't know why this has an instrumental version over... well, why not In the Forest XZ? since it doesn't actually change that much with vocals. Oh, and this does play, as an event theme for… something. associated with Professor B. (Thanks, /u/KanibalFrost and /u/DaNerd27)
6X-BT3So Close, So Far (instrumental)Another odd choice since you might as well just listen to the first part of Rearr. X. Maybe 'BT' stands for 'Bizarre Tdecision' instead of 'Bonus Track'. You may also have noticed that if X remixes something, it makes sure there's three versions of it. This is true of Theme X, So Close, So Far, Requiem, LP, and In the Forest. Update: not true of Requiem. That lucky sod gets four different versions. It deserves it though. Update: not true of LP either. LP gets five versions. Pretty good for a track nobody can find in-game.
7X-BT4Requiem BYes, this one is strange as well. BUT IT'S WORTH IT. This is Requiem without its percussion and most weird electronic effects, which makes the first part less powerful and the latter part much more powerful. It kinda makes you want to hear other tracks without the weird electronic effects, but I'm glad it was this one because you realise they somewhat ruin the effect of the original. This is the fourth and final remix of Requiem. I wish there were four remixes of Engage the Enemy and 'Don't speak her name!'.
8In the Forest (no vocal effects ver.)In the Forest (no vocal effects)mpiThe final track, and also the thirteenth and final song. This is, perhaps, the most bizarre track on Disc 4. I initially assumed that I had a duff copy of this track since it seemed to be identical to In the Forest, but I've since noticed that they have different durations. You'd think this would be an instrumental version of In the Forest, right? (what do you mean, that's just Codename Z? In the Forest has a few acoustically remixed spots, I think) But no. This removes 'vocal effects'. I don't know what exactly these 'vocal effects' are. More information will be accepted. Update: 'vocal effects' are apparently the 'incredibly heavy autotune' in the original, which has been removed from this version. (Thanks, /u/BeeZeroTen)
9Uncontrollable (instrumental)/u/MaximumLeech had this on their version of the soundtrack, though it isn't actually on the soundtrack. It plays somewhere in game, which is how it exists.
10Z15 Field (vocals only)Ditto for this track. You may remember that this is apparently Celica's theme. This is an event theme.

And... I think that's it. Blimey. 17408 characters. I've been working on that for a while.
Please say if there are any mistakes or if anyone has an improvement on a translation or the notes on where the tracks play!
But most importantly, enjoy!

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Ost Download

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